T-cell receptor therapy:
A new era for cell therapy in cancer treatment




Senior Vice President, 研究 and 发展, Neogene


Associate Member, Earle A. Chiles 研究 Institute, Providence Cancer Institute, and Expert Consultant for AstraZeneca (Head of TCR therapy, 肿瘤学R&D)


细胞疗法 治疗性嵌合抗原受体(CAR - T细胞)的发展引领了肿瘤学领域的发展, 通过分离和修改病人的T细胞来针对他们的癌症.1 虽然这种方法已经改变了一些血癌患者的预后, 针对实体癌的有效CAR-T细胞疗法尚未成为现实.1,2

Developing cell therapies to put cures within reach

澳门葡京网赌游戏最近收购了Neogene Therapeutics,这为澳门葡京赌博游戏提供了一个独特的机会,可以从多个角度来应对这一挑战,包括:

  1. Armoured’ CAR-Ts, 旨在克服肿瘤微环境的免疫抑制屏障,增加其在难以治疗的实体肿瘤中的潜在有效性.
  2. T-cell receptor therapies (TCR-Ts) that can reach intracellular targets, including tumour-specific mutations, expanding the breadth of targets accessible by cell therapies.

Leading the way in targeting cancer with TCRs

Neogene成立于2018年,现已迅速成长为一家国际化的生物技术公司. 作为开发改变生命的CAR-T技术的老手,澳门葡京赌博游戏正在利用澳门葡京赌博游戏在TCR生物学方面数十年的经验和深厚的专业知识来扩大细胞治疗的潜力. Our focus is to discover, develop and manufacture transformative next-generation TCR‑Ts, to target cancer specific proteins (‘neoantigens’).

Neogene在TCR-T开发方面带来了新的专业知识,补充了澳门葡京赌博游戏内部的CAR-T能力, 临床研究专业知识和不断增长的现成新抗原靶向治疗方案.

Exploiting the T-cell receptor in cancer treatment

T细胞受体(TCR)是在T细胞表面发现的一种跨膜受体,负责识别目标, 或以肽形式与靶细胞上的主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)结合的“抗原”.3 MHC是一种复合物,它收集并呈现蛋白质片段(多肽), including those found within cancer cells, 到TCR, thereby activating T cells and stimulating an immune response.

基因工程的进步使科学家们能够使用tcr来编辑T细胞的抗原特异性, 为识别肿瘤特异性的t细胞疗法的出现铺平了道路, MHC-bound mutation-derived peptides.4 By leveraging the MHC antigen-recognition mechanism, tcr - t能够识别包括细胞内蛋白在内的广泛靶标. 这补充了澳门葡京赌博游戏新兴的car - t管道,可以识别癌细胞表面表达的蛋白质并解锁新的靶标, expanding the potential to treat more tumour types.

Accelerating the development of TCR-Ts

肿瘤细胞中常见的驱动突变是非常有吸引力的细胞治疗靶点,因为它们对癌症的生长至关重要. 靶向这些突变提供了一种选择性靶向癌细胞的机制,并限制了肿瘤细胞逃避免疫系统攻击的能力. 在此基础上, Neogene团队正在推进针对实体肿瘤中常见的致癌驱动突变的tcr - t.

On the other hand, cancer is a highly individualised disease, 由患者特定的基因变化引起,产生独特的新抗原. In addition to targeting common driver mutations, Neogene团队已经创建了一个专有平台来设计识别患者特异性新抗原的tcr - t. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的发现平台允许快速筛选大型患者衍生的TCR库,以识别来自患者的多个新抗原特异性TCR, from which fully individualised, multi-specific TCR-T therapies can be created, thereby enabling a multi-pronged attack of tumour cells.

Looking to the future

将Neogene引入澳门葡京赌博游戏公司将为这种革命性的细胞治疗新方法的发展带来领先的基础设施. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的互补技能将帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏克服实际障碍,并在临床中接触到难以治疗的癌症患者.

We look forward to accelerating our research in this field, 有可能为更多的患者带来治愈性细胞疗法并将肿瘤学范式从“治疗”转变为“治愈”.

Join us as we continue to explore the future of oncology

澳门葡京赌博游戏欢迎有决心、有才华的科学家加入澳门葡京赌博游戏,共同创造肿瘤细胞治疗的未来. 澳门葡京赌博游戏招募具有相关专业知识的科学家加入澳门葡京赌博游戏在剑桥最先进的研究设施, UK, and 盖瑟斯堡, US; and Neogene are looking to expand their dynamic, high-achieving teams in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Santa Monica, US.


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1. Finck AV, et al. Engineered cellular immunotherapies in cancer and beyond. Nat地中海. 2022;28(4):678-689.

2. Saez-Ibañez AR, et al. Landscape of cancer cell therapies: trends and real-world data. Nat Rev Drug Disc. 2022;21:631-632.

3. Marrack P and Kappler J. The T cell receptor. 科学. 1987;238(4830):1073-9

4. Shafer P, et al. Cancer therapy with TCR-engineered T cells; current strategies, challenges, and prospects. 前面Immunol. 2022;13:835762. engineered T cells; current strategies, challenges, and prospects. 前面Immunol. 2022;13:835762.

Veeva ID: Z4-58850
Date of preparation: October 2023