
We joined global leaders at the 世界经济论坛 2024 Annual Meeting to elevate health on the global agenda, advocating to strengthen health systems and transform healthcare delivery.

在过去的几十年中, scientific innovation has led to remarkable strides in medicine and healthcare enabling people to live longer, 更健康的生活,促进经济繁荣. 麦肯锡的一份报告强调了这一点 三分之一的经济增长1 in advanced economies in the past century can be attributed to improvements in health and in developing countries, 在健康领域每投资1美元, 布鲁金斯学会发现了 可能的经济回报在2美元到4美元之间2.

然而,今天,世界各地的医疗保健都很紧张. Over-stretched health systems are struggling to meet the needs of ageing populations and address the growing burden of chronic disease, 在低收入和高收入国家,卫生不平等现象正在加剧, 部分原因是气候危机.

随着更多突破性的医学进步的出现, health systems must keep pace so that patients can benefit from these innovations. That’s why we joined leaders from around the world at the 2024 世界经济论坛 (WEF) Annual Meeting – to put health at the heart of a sustainable future.

了解更多有关气候变化之间的相互联系, 韧性和健康平等在下面的视频.


在世界经济论坛年会期间, 澳门葡京赌博游戏会见了政府领导人, multilateral organisations and civil society to advocate for action to strengthen health systems so they can meet the population health needs of today and tomorrow.  


  • Recognising health as a long-term investment in the future, not a short-term cost; 
  • 尽早采取行动预防、诊断和治疗疾病;
  • Prioritising scientific innovation to unlock the potential digital, data and technology; and 
  • 建筑适应气候变化的能力, 净零卫生系统, 应对气候变化对健康的影响.  


通过关键约定, our leadership highlighted the urgent need to build health system resilience and sustainability to address current and future health needs, 注意到从2019冠状病毒病中吸取的教训和不作为的代价.

With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization (谁) that an unknown “Disease X” could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, 坐定, 董事会非执行主席, 参加了一个关于“为X病做准备.在博士旁边. 谭德塞, 总干事, 谁, 小组探讨了加强卫生系统的实际解决办法, 包括基于证据的建议 卫生系统可持续性和复原力伙伴关系.

We also convened global health and environmental leaders on the topic of improving health system resilience in the face of climate change alongside Dr. 凡妮莎·克里, CEO, Seed Global Health and 谁 总干事 Special Envoy on Climate and Health. 特别关注融资, this roundtable discussion explored how to deploy funding to accelerate impactful, 公平和可扩展的干预措施.  

Additionally, recognising the important role of nature in health and healthcare, 澳门葡京赌博游戏宣布将成为“早期采用者”。3 的建议 与自然有关的财务披露工作小组 (TNFD). This means we’ll disclose our dependencies, risks and opportunities related to nature from next year. 气候变化与生物多样性丧失密切相关, this shows our commitment to protect and restore ecosystems by lowering the environmental footprint of healthcare while investing in nature and biodiversity.

Dr. 凡妮莎·克里

CEO of Seed Global Health and World Health Organization special envoy for climate and health, 在澳门葡京网赌游戏和Seed Global Health共同主办的圆桌会议上


Non-Executive Chair of the Board, AstraZeneca during a panel on “为X病做准备."


执行副总裁, 全球营运及资讯科技, 兼首席可持续发展官, 澳门葡京网赌游戏在“为自然设定标准”会议上


The scope and scale of the challenges facing health systems today require stakeholders from the health sector and beyond to work together. Since the launch of the 可持续市场倡议 Health Systems 专责小组4 at COP26, partners have taken concrete action to accelerate the transition to net zero healthcare. 

在今年的世界经济论坛年会上, we, 以及其他四家全球医疗保健公司, 宣布了一项 业界首创的可再生能源协议5 让他们在中国的业务脱碳. 与远景能源合作, 中国最大的可再生能源公司之一, the agreement will not only save the equivalent in emissions of taking 25,道路上停了000辆汽车, but sends a strong demand signal for renewables and establishes a blueprint for collective action to drive decarbonisation at scale. 

重点关注健康复原力这一相互关联的主题, climate action and equity and emphasising health as the foundation of prosperous and well-functioning societies, our engagements at the WEF annual meeting aimed to inspire action and collaboration across sectors. 通过共同努力,澳门葡京赌博游戏可以行动得更快,取得更大进展.



1. Prioritizing health: A prescription for prosperity | McKinsey [Internet]. www.麦肯锡.com. 可从:http://www获得.麦肯锡.com/industries/healthcare/our-insights/prioritizing-health-a-prescription-for-prosperity#section-header-1

‌2. 雷姆斯J,威尔逊M,拉姆多莱A. How investing in health has a significant economic payoff for developing economies [Internet]. 布鲁金斯学会. 2020. 可从:http://www获得.布鲁金斯学会.edu/articles/how-investing-in-health-has-a-significant-economic-payoff-for-developing-economies/

3. 为自然设定标准[互联网]. 世界经济论坛. 2024[引用于2024年2月6日]. 可从:http://www获得.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024/sessions/setting-standards-for-nature/

‌4. 卫生系统专责小组〔互联网〕. 可持续市场倡议. 可从:http://www获得.可持续市场.org/taskforces/health-systems-taskforce/

5. Five global healthcare leaders partner up to access renewable power in China [Internet]. 可持续市场倡议. [引自2024年2月6日]. 可从:http://www获得.可持续市场.org/news/five-global-healthcare-leaders-secure-industry-first-multi-party-agreement-to-access-renewable-power-in-china/


  • 可持续性